
Avantone Mixcubes
KRK V8’s with V12 subwoofer
Behringer P16 Personal Monitor System

Universal Audio Apollo x8 Heritage Edition
Universal Audio Apollo Twin Duo

Microphone Preamps
Sound Workshop Series 30 Console Modules (10)
Vintech 273 (2)
Brent Averill API/Avedis 1122 (2)
Dan Alexander Neve 1272 (2)
Universal Audio Apollo x4 (4)

Dynamics and EQ
Audioscape G Comp Bus Compressor
DBX 160SL VCA Compressor
Inward Connections Brute Optical Compressor
Rupert Neve Designs 542 Tape Emulator (2)

Breedlove Acoustic Guitar
Fender Blues Jr
Fender Deluxe Reverb
Nord Electro 6D